Pinsteps. The colony hotel
Places to visit in Хайфа. Languages: ru, he, en

The hotel building was built in 1905 by the Christian family Epener from the Templar community, which founded the German colony in Haifa in 1869. Two sisters, Christine and Helena, ran the hotel until the early 1940s. Their brother Gottlieb Epener, who owned a horse-drawn carriage workshop, assisted them in the administrative and financial management of the hotel. Near the hotel were planted the first in the German colony of Washington palm trees. They are famous for their great height and, they say, served as a guide for guests, so that you can always easily find a hotel. The archives of the Schumacher Institute, located in Haifa and exploring the history of the city, mention the way of life in the German colony of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The archival records refer to the Epener sisters, as well-known culinary experts, whose restaurant located at the hotel was in great demand among the guests of the colony and was popular among British officers until the liquidation of the German community in the 40s - World War II. Also interesting is the fact that the Peel Commission (the British Departmental Commission that resolved the partition of Palestine) was located in this hotel for a long time. The British Government of Palestine decided to deport a large part of the German community to Australia as a result of the open support of the National Socialist Party of Nazi Germany. The property was more nationalized and subsequently acquired by private individuals. In 1950, Shmuel Drezner, a Jew who survived the Holocaust, bought a hotel and worked under his leadership until 1978. In December 2006, the building was acquired by a construction company and repaired, fully preserving its historical appearance (the restoration was carried out under the supervision and supervision of the Department for the Preservation of Historical Monuments of the Haifa City Hall). The hotel’s design preserves the building’s original atmosphere, including terracotta tiles, original wooden balustrades, windows, wooden shutters and a general style that matches the character of the building. Many bathrooms have a four-poster bath, wooden windows and blinds are preserved in accordance with the original, the rooms have old-style oak furniture, and the original floor tiles from 1905 have been preserved in many rooms and corridors of the hotel. Translated with Google Translate

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of routes including this place
Evgeny Praisman
A walk through the German colony and the lower terrace of the Bahai gardens

The route starts from the Golden Crown Hotel and the City shopping center, runs up Ben Gurion Street through the houses of Schumacher and Olifant, the historic Colony Hotel, the lower terrace of Bahai Gardens, the Song Street, Dojan Restaurant, the burgher-style restaurant, the German Colony Community House and the current City Museum and ends at the bottom of the German colony at the intersection of Jaffa and Ben Gurion streets. Translated with Google Translate

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