Pinsteps. Ten mills and the Jiser al Adar bridge on the Yarkon River
Places to visit in תל אביב-יפו. Languages: ru, en

In the Roman era, a mill operated on this site with at least twenty pairs of millstones, though the name "Ten Mills" persisted even when only ten were present. This moniker likely dates back to Roman times or earlier. Flour milling on an industrial scale began in the late 19th century when the affluent Arab families, the Bidas and Amoria, constructed a modern mill complex known as 'Tahunat al Hadar.' This mill was the largest along the Yarkon River and one of the Holy Land's most significant.

Today, following restoration, visitors can admire the stone bridge over the Yarkon River, known as Jisr al-Hadar. The Bidas and Amoria families utilized this bridge to create an artificial waterfall, powering the millstones. Notably, it was the sole bridge across the Yarkon for many centuries, dating back to the Crusaders' era.

On March 14, 1799, Napoleon's army crossed this bridge en route from Jaffa to Acre, circumventing a flooded section of the Sharon coast. The bridge is also featured in the memoirs of Judith, wife of Moshe MonteFiori, who visited during their Holy Land trip in 1839.

In 1898, the imperial family of William II journeyed from Haifa to Jaffa, crossing the Yarkon via Jisr al-Hadar, echoing Judith and Moses of Monte Fiori's path sixty years earlier.

During World War I in 1917, the front reached the Yarkon River banks. The Ottoman army was to the north, while the British Egyptian Expeditionary Force was to the south. Between British offensives, the Turks destroyed the bridge and dam, ending the mills' operation.

2023 reconstruction and renovation revived the bridge, transforming the site into a recreational and educational destination, enriching the region's cultural and natural heritage.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of routes including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Yarkon from Ten Mills to Assuta Ramat HaHayal. March 02, 2024

A walk in the central part of Hayarkon Park from the historic Bridge of Ten Mills to the modern Assuta Hospital in Ramat HaHayal is a journey from the past to the present. The Ten Mills Bridge is an important historical point reflecting the cultural heritage of the region. The parallel route 482 connects the ancient with the modern, presenting a metropolis above the Yarkon River. This part of the park is distinguished by its magnificent landscape design, making it one of the most beautiful and updated. Assuta Ramat HaChayal and Maccabi highlight the site's status as a center for leading medical services in Israel. Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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