Galium aparine has bristles on the leaves. A non-edible plant but has a medical use. It drains lymph. A diuretic plant. Add it to the tea. Lamium amplexicaule is an edible plant. His flowers can be used for food decorations. The leaves, stalk and flowers of the plant are edible and have a sweet and savory taste, similar to celery. You can eat the wild germ or cook. Translated with Google Translate
Collection of wild plants with Mr. Barak Sagi in Kfar Yehoshua. We started with Iris Ben Zvi's organic farm. We collected sorrel, Galium aparine, Lamium amplexicaule, wild beet, Green Lup (Arum hygrophilum), Goose Spoon (Chenopodium murale), Oxalis. Translated with Google Translate