The complex was named after the king himself (Herod) - The Herodion, which indicates the particular importance of this structure for King Herod the Great. The picturesque view from the top of the mound to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the virgin Judean desert, probably was the last picture captured by the deading eyes of the king. He was buried in Herodion, but the exact place of his burial chamber was discovered almost only 2000 years after his death.
A stunning structure that has no analogs in the ancient world is the palace, fortress, and mausoleum of one of the most famous rulers of the past - King Herod the Great. Herodion rises above the hills of the Judean desert and silently looks over Bethlehem - the city where Jesus was born. Who knows, maybe it was the Herodion from where Herod the Great gave the order to kill all the babies in Bethlehem to destroy Jesus. Professor Netzer spent 30 years searching for Herod’s tomb and died in Herodion. Who knows, maybe in this way the king’s curse came true, imposed on the one who will disturb his grave. Herodion is the place where Bar Kochba rebels hid and the place where the desert blooms in spring with the blue Iris, so rare for these places.