Hello, friends! I’m so glad you’re here! My name is Madrid, and I have lived here for a very long time. I remember everything that has happened, I know everything that is happening, and I will know everything about everything as long as this city stands on Earth. There are capital cities, there are capitals of countries, and then there are capitals of the world—Madrid is one of them. We will walk along Gran Vía, visit Puerta del Sol, stop by Plaza Mayor, see the Royal Palace, find the oldest house in the city and the oldest hotel, taste the most delicious sweets, and explore the liveliest market. I will tell you about the city and its secrets, but sometimes I might forget something, and that’s when you can remind me. All you need to do is switch between the map and the text at the right moment. It’s very simple—use the small circle with an arrow in the centre of the screen: the arrow pointing up switches to the text, and the down switches back to the map. But first, read the rules—they are hidden in the button with three dots. Don’t start the game until you’re sure you understand everything. And most importantly—enjoy the city! Let’s go for a walk!
Today, Gran Vía is compared to Fifth Avenue in New York, the Champs-Élysées in Paris, and Broadway because of its theatres and shops. But I remember the times when the great kings of Spain travelled this road on their way to their palaces in Valladolid. And later, when they were taken there for their final rest, the poor from Maravillas would gaze at the carriages as if witnessing a miracle. To be honest, I used to think the name of the Maravillas district came from the poor villas, but no—it was named after wonders, maravillas. Today, everyone knows this word thanks to the Marvel film studio, but back then, only those who remembered the Church of Mary the Miracle knew its meaning. That’s where the wonders came from! Spanish, I must say, is not as simple as it seems. For example, how do you correctly say "great"? Gran? Grande? Grand? Oh, how many times I struggled with this! But Madrid patiently taught me —not just to hear words, but to say them correctly. So, which of these three words doesn’t belong here?