Places to visit in Ashland, Кеймбридж, Watertown, Framingham

Harvard, Cambridge and Watertown.


This short walk through Harvard and Cambridge will introduce us to some of the most iconic sites of a renowned world university. First, we learn how the student fraternity introduced a unit of measurement equal to the height of the director of the Institute of Standards. Next, we will visit the most famous bookstore. Next, we will learn how the fate of the ancient tomes and the death of the Titanic are connected. Finally, let's touch on the history of creating a sewing machine and a telephone and end the trip in the town of Watertown - one of the first colonies of New England, notorious for the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon.

Author & Co-authors
Evgeny Praisman (author)
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12.66 km
336h 27 m
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Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

Who hasn't heard about the student fraternity? Who hasn't been inspired by the spirit of the academy? Who had not had fun at the night party and hardly absorbed educational material in the morning? If you know someone like this tell him, he did not study and did not live. This student spirit reigns in all educational institutions, and in prestigious and high-quality ones, it is felt even more strongly. Cambridge is a well-known student centre. The prestigious Harvard University and the world's most respected technological university is the MIT Massachusetts Institute of technology. Each of them has student societies called fraternities. It isn't easy to name a student who has made a successful career without mentioning his membership in the Fraternity. Presidents Bush Sr. and Jr., Ronald Reagan, Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Dwight Eisenhower were members of Fraternity. According to Forbes, 80% of all CEOs of America's largest corporations were members of fraternities. We are starting at a small pier on the Charles River. On some breaks between lessons, students can rent a boat and sail short along the river. On the other bank of the Charles River, we can view the Boston skyline with its Prudential skyscraper, a complicated story. On the right is the Charles River Bridge, an extension of Massachusetts Avenue but better known in Cambridge as the Oliver Smoot Bridge.

There was a case in 1958 when Oliver Smoot was on probation before being admitted to the MIT fraternity. So this week is called Hell Week. His curator Tom O'Connor lived in Boston and crossed the bridge to college. He came up with the idea to measure the length of the bridge with the shortest student, while other newcomers had to help with this. The smallest was Oliver Smoot. His height was 170 centimetres. The length of the bridge was 364.4 of smoots. The margin of error was noted as the length of the ear of Smoot.

The student fun had unexpected consequences. First, by a curious coincidence, Oliver Smoot became the director of the US standards department and later of the global ISO standards system. Secondly, "smoots" become a measure of measurement, and if you open Google Earth, you can choose "smooth" as a measure of length. Thirdly, there were marks on the bridge marked with white for each Smoot and red for ten smoots. In addition, when the bridge was reconstructed in 1987, concrete slabs 1.7 meters long were specially made for it. So that the police reports noticing the exact location of the incident on the bridge do not lose their relevance, and the police can continue to use the usual smoots as milestones of the bridge. With this funny story, let's start our acquaintance with Harvard.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology has long been a legend. You cant imagine the technological progress without Inventions that were born here. Even the concept of a hacker came out of the walls of MIT. Such an institute can't exist without a museum. The modern exhibition halls should be located in the newly created Kendall Gateway building. The planned opening date of the new museum is spring 2022. The collection of the MIT Museum consists of primary research documents and publications. Over one million artefacts, prints, curiosities, technical archives, drawings, photographs, films and holograms tell the story of MIT achievements from the very foundation in 1861 to the latest innovations.

Photo [By John Phelan - Own work, CC BY 3.0] (

In 1932, Mark Kramer opened a shop selling used textbooks. Today it is the most famous seller of used, new and inexpensive books in Harvard Square. Jeffrey Myerson and Linda Simonson of Wellesley, Massachusetts, bought the store In 2008. Forbes named this store as the best bookstore in the "World's Best Stores 2005" list.

Photo [By Edgar El, CC BY 3.0] (

Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

Come in to grow in wisdom, come out to serve better the country and the people. Such words are written on the arch of the entrance to the courtyard of Harvard University. Yet, ironically, the first thing students visit when entering this Gate is the dorms. Wigglesworth Hall is the second largest dormitory in which freshmen students live. Among the residents of these dormitories were Bill Gates, Senator Lee E. Rosenthal, Ted Kennedy, Leonard Bernstein, John Lithgow, Robert Lowell, Benjamin S. Bradley, Senator David Witter, Pat Toomey, Andre Gregory, Mark Danner, Donald P. Hodel, Naomi. Young, Melissa Block of NPR, and Jared Diamond.

Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

The lawn of Harvard University, or better known as Harvard Yard, began its history at the very beginning of Harvard in 1636. It is noteworthy that a woman's foot did not step on this lawn until 1920. Women were not allowed to study at Harvard until 1920. However, the feet of eight US presidents have trampled on here. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush and Barack Obama are Harvard alumni. The Harvard lawn connects all of the university's most important buildings. Among them is the northern Memorial Church. By the way, university students can get married there. Provided they book their wedding date before the final exams.

Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

The Widener Library at Harvard is the second largest library in the United States. It is named after the famous bibliophile Harry Elkins Widener. Harry's mother, Eleanor, donated the building in 1915. Harry was a renowned collector of rare books. His collection included Shakespeare's tomes and the Gutenberg Bible. Harry felt his love for books while studying at Harvard. In 1912, he travelled to England to purchase rare books, including the second edition of Essays of Bacon, edited in 1598. On his return from this journey, he drowned in the cold waters of the Atlantic. He died on the Titanic. His mother survived. She bequeathed Harry's library to Harvard University but claimed one condition: the original building donated to the library would never be changed. The development of the library challenged the engineers with the task of expanding the facility. Finally, they constructed a 10-storey underground library.

Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

John Harvard's polished left shoe brings good luck to students before exams. Such a belief is attributed to the statue of John Harvard placed on the pedestal with an inscription: "John Harvard, founder, 1638". John Harvard was not the founder. He was one of the influential patrons of the university, and the university got its name in his honour. In addition, Harvard was not founded in 1638, when John donated a significant amount, but in 1636. Finally, no one knows what John Harvard looked like. Fire destroyed all of his portraits. A sculptor invited one of the ranked students to be a model for the statue. Rumour has it, however, that this ordinary student was the son of wealthy parents who made a suitable donation to the university.

Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

At the end of the 19th century, swamps draining along the banks of the Charles River was almost completed. This change allowed the town of Cambridge to expand eastward. As a result, the old coastal strip became known as the Old Port, or simply the Port. Along these shores, there is a beautiful embankment, along which it is pleasant to jog or walk. The parks located in these places today are fraught with amazing ancient stories. For example, the sewing machine was invented in 1846 by Elias Howe, Jr. at 55 Cherry Street in Port, Cambridge. Howe patented this invention. The famous Isaac Singer - the king of sewing machines, paid Howe patent royalties. In addition, the Port area of Cambridge was the site of the first telephone conversation between Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson on October 9, 1876. Watson was in the Porto office, and Bell was in the Cambridge Street office in Boston.

Photo [By John Phelan - Own work, CC BY 3.0] (

Watertown was one of the first colonies founded by pioneers up the Charles River. Over time, it became an important industrial centre. The buildings of the American arsenal - institutions of the US military industry - stand here today. However, a notorious story is associated with the city. In 2013, at one of the most important annual events in the Boston metropolis - the Boston Marathon, a terrorist attack took place. The police searched for the criminals for two days on 18 and 19 April. At the time, advanced photo scaling technology helped to identify criminals. Two terrorists suspected were tracked down in Watertown. Unfortunately, they entered into a shootout with the police on this very street. One of the two terrorists of Chechen origin, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was seriously wounded and later died. His brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was soon tracked hiding in a boat parked on a track up the street.

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