Come in to grow in wisdom, come out to serve better the country and the people. Such words are written on the arch of the entrance to the courtyard of Harvard University. Yet, ironically, the first thing students visit when entering this Gate is the dorms. Wigglesworth Hall is the second largest dormitory in which freshmen students live. Among the residents of these dormitories were Bill Gates, Senator Lee E. Rosenthal, Ted Kennedy, Leonard Bernstein, John Lithgow, Robert Lowell, Benjamin S. Bradley, Senator David Witter, Pat Toomey, Andre Gregory, Mark Danner, Donald P. Hodel, Naomi. Young, Melissa Block of NPR, and Jared Diamond.
This short walk through Harvard and Cambridge will introduce us to some of the most iconic sites of a renowned world university. First, we learn how the student fraternity introduced a unit of measurement equal to the height of the director of the Institute of Standards. Next, we will visit the most famous bookstore. Next, we will learn how the fate of the ancient tomes and the death of the Titanic are connected. Finally, let's touch on the history of creating a sewing machine and a telephone and end the trip in the town of Watertown - one of the first colonies of New England, notorious for the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon.