Places to visit in Moscow

Moscow City, Arbat, Alexander Garden and Red Square.


The route passes in the heart of the capital of the Russian Federation. The Kremlin and Red Square are a couple of words that are known to the whole world and that do not cease to excite people all over the world. On this a little bit short tour, we will walk along the walls of the Kremlin and learn fascinating stories from the history of Russia. It is recommended to make a visit in spring or summer Walking at night.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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2.31 km
2h 17 m
Places with media
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The Lenin Library is a monument to proletarian culture and values. The building was conceived as a series of monumental structures with grandiose elements of constructivism and avant-garde architecture. However, the classical architectural school of the creators, the majestic antiquity of the Kremlin and the protracted construction did not allow for the initial plan. In spite of its monumentality, the building was nevertheless maintained in a classical manner and even a monument to FM. Dostoevsky also talks about real values, not a whirlwind of change. Here is the exit of the metro stations Library named after Lenin and Alexander Garden - the former Kalinin. On the other hand you can see the building of the Manege and Mokhovaya street. Translated with Google Translate

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The Alexander Garden is named after the second emperor Alexander the second who entered the throne in 1856. The construction of the park began after the war of 1812 and was timed to victory in the Patriotic War. Before the construction of the garden, along the walls of the Kremlin flowed the river Neglinnaya, which was crossed by four bridges Kuznetsky, Petrovsky Voskresensky and Troitsky. Today there is only the memory of the Trinity Bridge connecting Kutafya Tower with Trinity. The garden is located on the site of the river, which did not cease to exist, and, on the orders of Alexander the First, was taken into an underground pipe with a length of 3 kilometers. Translated with Google Translate

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Trinity Bridge is the only bridge across the Neglinnaya River, which has survived to the present day. It connects Kutafya Tower with the Trinity Tower - the main tower of the entrance to the Moscow Kremlin. Like the Towers, the bridge was built by the Italian architect Aloiso de Milano - nicknamed in Russia by Alois Fryazin or the Old (senior), because 10 years after this Italian architect to build the Kremlin, Aloiso Lamberti di Montegnano will arrive - they will call him Alois New. The bridge was stone already in 1516, and in 1598 Boris Godunov would be elected to rule it. Translated with Google Translate

Troitskaya Tower is the highest of the towers of the Kremlin. Its height is 80 meters. This is the only one of the Towers on which the Red Star was replaced by a double-headed eagle. Historical Russian kremlins were white-stone. Only Italian architects introduce red brick in the history of Moscow, which is so fashionable in the 16th century in Milan. Translated with Google Translate

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The Romanovsky obelisk was erected in Alexander Park on July 14, 1914 in honor of the three hundredth anniversary of the rule of the Romanov dynasty. Fourteen days later in the same year, the First World War will begin. Russia will come out of it under the authority of Lenin, who will issue a decree on the demolition and redistribution of monuments to kings. This obelisk will bear the names of the ideologues of socialism, and only in almost 100 years later, in 2013, the obelisk will return its original appearance. Translated with Google Translate

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The middle Arsenal Tower was built on the site of the corner tower of the Kremlin from the time of Dmitry Donskoy. Later at the foot of the tower on the Neglinnaya River were erected dense. They were used to create dams, and the river was rich in fish. During the creation of the park, architect Bové built an Italian-style amusement grotto at the foot of the tower. In addition to Aleksandrovsky Park, Osip Bove, the son of the French artist Bove who found a new home in St. Petersburg during the French Revolution, owns such buildings in Moscow as the Bolshoi Theater and the Manege. Translated with Google Translate

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Monument to Patriarch Hermogenes. was created in 2013. The identity of this person was not chosen by chance. There was a period in Russian history called the Time of Troubles. It was connected with the suppression of the royal dynasty after the reign of Ivan the Terrible, hunger, devastation, anarchy, the Swedish and Polish intervention, the history of False Dmitriy, the murder of Boris Godunov and Shusky, the rule of seven boyars. At that time, Yermogen (Yermolai) was one of the few who adhered to faith and conscience, and as such he entered the history of Moscow. Translated with Google Translate

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Here, in part of the bed of the Neglinnaya River, fountains are located - the brainchild of Moscow architects of 1996. The complex begins with four frolicking horses - the work of Tsereteli, they say. They also say that these are horses from the facade of the Bolshoi Theater, which remained here after the restaurant. Be that as it may, they symbolize the four seasons and they are called - the fountain of the four seasons. There is a belief that if you bypass them knee-deep in the water of a fountain, then the desire will certainly come true. And if 4 times, then enough for every season. Translated with Google Translate

A pleasant garden and fountains tell stories about folk tales, about a fox and a crane, about a princess, a frog about an old man and a goldfish - all of them are gathered in a fountain-sculpture complex along Okhotny Ryad. Translated with Google Translate

Here, across the river Neglinnaya, it was possible to trade game. These rows were intended for hunters and over time the name Okhotny Ryad appeared, which refers to the entire shopping complex from the Manege Square to the Theater Square. Translated with Google Translate

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Upper honor of the Alexander Garden. Here at the Red Wall is a memorial complex - the eternal flame. In 1966, on the 25th anniversary of the victory near Moscow, the ashes of an unknown soldier from a mass grave at the entrance to the city of Zelenograd were reburied at this place. A famous phrase appeared on the memorial complex: "Your name is not known, your feat is immortal." So a monument to the eternal flame appeared - the fire in it never dies away. Translated with Google Translate

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It overlooks the Red Square, the corner Arsenal Tower, Nikolskaya Tower up along the walls of the Kremlin, the building of the State Historical Museum and the monument to Marshal Zhukov. The corner tower is also called the Sobakinsky tower. Not far from her were the boyars of the Sobakins' boyars. The tower has a well - a spring for the supply of water to the besieged Kremlin. It was built by Italian architect Antonio Solari. In 1707, Peter the First ordered the loopholes to be expanded to install more powerful cannons in case of a siege by the Swedes against the walls of the Kremlin. The building of the historical museum, reminiscent of Russian terem architecture, was built in 1883 and became one of the most famous museums in the country, the collection of which included monasteries and churches, the imperial family and nobles, noblemen and merchants. The monument to Gerogiy Konstantinovich Zhukov was erected in 1995 on the 50th anniversary of the Victory. Marshal is depicted on horseback - as he took the victory parade on Red Square in 1945. It is noteworthy that the horse was white and they could only find such a horse in the cavalry regiment of the KGB. Translated with Google Translate


Here, it is considered to be the starting point of all roads in Moscow and the Moscow region. And many think that the whole of Russia. Translated with Google Translate

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The Resurrection Gate is so named after the icon of the Resurrection of Christ, which has hung over the gate since 1680. Prior to this, the gate was called Iver by the name of the Iberian Icon of the Virgin. They were also called Coach Carriages - in the next carriage yard, or Lions in lions - donated to Ivan the Terrible from England. Called Chicken by the name of Chicken series. The general purpose of these gates is the entrance to the city called China City, which stretched from the Arsenal Corner Tower to the Moskvoretskaya Tower. Translated with Google Translate

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Kazan Cathedral is a definite symbol of Moscow and Red Square. At this place in 1612 (in the Time of Troubles) Prince Dmitry Pozharsky with the Moscow militia was able to defeat the Polish troops and liberate China City and the Kremlin. The army was the miraculous image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It was in connection with these events that the Kazan Cathedral was erected at this place. But this place was not narrowed to keep peace and quiet in Russia. In this cathedral was taken into custody the champion of the Old Believers, Protopope Avvakum. Later, in Soviet times in 1936, the Kazan Cathedral was demolished, like many churches of China Town, when it underwent the Stalinist architectural reform. Only in Gorbachev's time began talking about the restoration of the Kazan Cathedral and in 1990 - 1993 at the expense of the city funds the collection was restored. Along the walls of the Kremlin in this place you can see the unusual Nikolskaya Tower. It is called so by the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and was built by Italian architect Antonio Solari from Milan. It was through this tower that the Minin and Pozharsky entered the Kremlin after the victory over the Poles. During Napoleon’s march on Moscow, the departing French soldiers mined and blew up an arsenal, which led to the complete destruction of the Nikolskaya Tower and the partial destruction of the corner tower. However, according to tradition, the icon of Nicholas has not suffered. Translated with Google Translate

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Red Square was created by decree of Ivan the Third - Ivan the Terrible's grandfather. It was Ivan the Third who invited to Moscow the Italian architects who built the red brick Kremlin instead of the historic white stone one. He ordered to clear the territory at a distance of a cannon shot in China City, and so a square appeared along the eastern walls of the Kremlin. But, the place could not be empty and there were trades. The whole area became known as Torg or Great Torg. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the square was named Trinity after the erected cathedral in honor of the victory over the Crimean Khanate. Today this cathedral is known as St. Basil’s Cathedral. And only after the distemper, after Minia and Pozharsky, after the fires on the square and the name of its Fire Department, after Mikhail Fedorovich was elected from the Romanov family, during the reign of his son Alexei Mikhailovich, the square received the official name Krasnaya. But, whether in its beauty, or in dyed leather - no one will say. A huge store stretches along the square. It was opened at the end of the 19th century on the site of historical shopping arcades from the 15th century. And opposite the Kremlin wall is the building of the mausoleum VI. Lenin - a ziggurat of the Soviet era. Translated with Google Translate

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The Spasskaya Tower is the main tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Through it, kings and priests went out to the Red Square, greeted delegations and solemnly drove into the Kremlin. It was also built by Antonio Solari from Milan at the invitation of Ivan the Third. In their times, the tower was called Frolovskoy on behalf of the church Frol and Laurus in the territory of the Kremlin. The name of Spasskaya appeared during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the second king of the Romanov dynasty, when the icon of the Savior was not made by hands over the entrance to the tower. In the time of Peter the tower was decorated with a clock with chimes by Dutch masters. In Soviet times, in 1935, a red star appeared above the tower with a beam of 3.75 meters. Inside it, a 5000-watt lamp is lit and the star rotates like a weather vane. Translated with Google Translate


Frontal place - this is the oldest surviving building in Red Square. This elevation was used as a stage for announcements for the people. For example, Ivan the Terrible delivered his speech from here in reconciliation of the boyars. However, there have been public executions. In 1682, Nikita Pustosvyatyu was beheaded, and in 1698 they executed the participants of the Streltsy riot. Translated with Google Translate

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The monument to Miniu and Pozharsky - the heroes of the militia from Nizhny Novgorod, who liberated Moscow from the Polish occupation, is one of the first sculptural monuments in Russian history and was created entirely with donations from citizens. In Russia, it was customary to erect chapels to commemorate events. Only from the epoch of Peta the construction of monuments begins, first of all, to Peter himself. In 1818, a monument to Citizen Minyu and Prince Pozharsky appeared in the center of Red Square, as a sign of not only the victory over the Poles in 1612, but also the victory over the French in 1812. In Soviet times, they decided to move the monument, arguing that parades should be held on the square. However, there is another opinion among Muscovites. Minin pointed to the Mausoleum. The sculptural composition itself seems to call for a fight, and Minin pointed to the Mausoleum with a pointing finger. In 1931, the monument took its present place. Translated with Google Translate

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The Red Square complex is completed by St. Basil’s Cathedral. It was built by order of Ivan the Terrible to commemorate the capture of Kazan - the capital of the Kazan Khanate. Later, a church was built over the grave of St. Basil the Blessed - who was considered to be a seer and blessed while still alive. They say that he was the confidant of Ivan the Terrible and predicted the main events of his life. For this reason, the church became known as St. Basil's Cathedral. It is believed that the temple was built Russian architect Postnik Yakovlev, nicknamed Barma. Translated with Google Translate

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