The Miracle Church of the augmentation of bread and fish, the source of Yova, a walking path along the lake, the Church of the Succession of the Apostle Peter and the ancient synagogue in the city of Capernaum. It was wonderful adventure! Translated with Google Translate
These basalt stones were used in the times of Byzantium in order to obtain olive oil. The olives were folded and smashed with a large round stone. The resulting cake was placed under a wooden press. The extruded oil was collected in the groove and drained into the tank. Translated with Google Translate
The modern church and the courtyard in front of it was built exactly as the first Byzantine church was built. An olive tree grows in the center of the courtyard. And at its foot, seven fish symbolize seven sources. These seven warm freshwater sources were called by the Greeks heptapegon. Over time, from the Greek names began to pronounce the word Tabha. And they believe that this place was one of the miracles associated with Jesus Christ. It was a miracle multiplication of bread and fish. Translated with Google Translate
Found by chance a mosaic floor tells the story of an ancient church. In front of the altar is an ancient mozayka with the image of two loaves and five fish. Thanks to this mosaic, it was impossible to err in identifying the church and the gospel history with which it is associated. Moreover, a pillar is depicted on a mosaic next to the central nave. So depicted a column on which marked the level of oxen in the Nile River. Nilometer The ancients believed that the Nile and the lake are interconnected by groundwater. Translated with Google Translate
Here you can see the water from one of the seven warm springs. These are the sources by which modern Tabha appeared. An interesting cancer lives in the water of this spring. Such cancer is not found anywhere else in the world. He is blind. Translated with Google Translate
The church in this place appears in ancient times. Here, in accordance with the Gospels, the resurrected Jesus asks Peter that he loves him and Peter vows love three times. Translated with Google Translate
The rock or stone in the center of the chapel symbolizes the place where the events occurred. Rock stone and Peter are important, because the name Peter in Greek comes from the word stone. Thus, the words of Jesus: You are Peter, and on this stone I will build my church ”has a deeper meaning. Translated with Google Translate
Popes are the heirs of Peter on earth, so all the popes from Peter are gathered here. Translated with Google Translate
According to the Muslim legend, the waters of this source healed Ayub (Job) from leprosy. The source flows out of a small cave, which by tradition is the place of refuge of Ayub. Thanks to these traditions, the healing properties are attributed to the source waters. The entire coast of Lake. The kinneret from Tabkhi’s sources to Ayub’s source from January to April is a favorite place for fishing. Even the Bedouin tribes that settled in the Tabghi region in the second half of the 19th century were fishing and were called Arab a-Samakia (Samak in Arabic means fish (1)). The grave of Sheikh Ali a-Cayad (fisher) is also located here, and the entire region is called the Khalat a-Samak (fishermen's area). Translated with Google Translate
This synagogue acted as a synagogue in the time of Jesus, or in other words, before the destruction of the Second Temple. This fact suggests that the notion of “synagogue” existed as a notion of the house of public meetings and did not carry the original religious meaning or the meaning of prayer. Only after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and the lack of opportunity to serve in the Temple, the synagogues gained religious significance. Translated with Google Translate
The name Kapernaum is derived from Hebrew Kfar Nahum - the village of Nahum. Many believe that we are talking about the prophet Nahum. The etymology of the name is preserved in Arabic - Tal Hum, or in other words: Tel Nahum. Located on the northern coast of Lake. Kineret, in the center of many ancient trade routes that went from the flat coastal valley of the Judean kingdom to southern Syria and Mesopotamia, Kfar Nahum was content with profitable trade connections and was known as a rich and successful shopping center. Translated with Google Translate
The synagogue was built on a small dais to be the most visible building in the city. Translated with Google Translate
The first studies and excavations were carried out in this region in 1905 by German architects Heinrich Coel and Karl Vacinger. They discovered the ancient synagogue of Capernaum and practically determined the whole territory of the ancient settlement. Numerous excavations carried out in Kapernaum by Franciscan monks throughout the 20th century led to the discovery of an ancient church in the 60s the Byzantine period, at the base of which were earlier buildings belonging to the first century AD Translated with Google Translate
Apostle Peter is the heir of Jesus on earth, and the popes inherit Peter. This is a very important moment for the entire Catholic world. Translated with Google Translate
This building is the home where the monks live and where the archaeological site that studied Capernaum is located. Translated with Google Translate