Pinsteps. Settlement Anim Les Yatir
Places to visit in Israel. Languages: ru, en

The discovery of reservoir caves under the synagogue is an interesting detail and speaks to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the settlement's inhabitants. It's also noteworthy that these caves were used as shelters in times of danger, which speaks to the region's tumultuous and often violent history.

The fact that the conversion of the village's inhabitants to Islam was forced is a sad reminder of the religious and cultural conflicts that have plagued the region for centuries. It's important to remember that such conversions often occurred under duress and were not always voluntary.

Similarly, the fact that other Jewish inhabitants of the Hebron highlands were also forced to convert highlights the region's complex and often tragic history. It's important to approach such historical details with sensitivity and respect and to remember that the region's history is often fraught with tension and conflict.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Yatir forest and Arad fortress

The Negev desert is a unique and beautiful southern Israel region with a rich history and culture. The Yatir forest, the largest planted forest in Israel, can be found in the northern part of the desert. The Anim Ancient Settlement, which dates back to the Iron Age, is located near the Yatir Forest and is one of the largest settlements of its kind in the country.

The Livne Shani settlement is also located in this area and has significant historical and archaeological importance. In addition, the Yatir reservoir, the largest reservoir in Israel, also provides vital water resources for the region and has become a popular tourist attraction.

Arad, one of the oldest cities in Israel, is also located in the northern part of the Negev desert. The city has a rich history, dating back to biblical times, and its fortress from the time of the Jewish kings is a popular tourist site.

Overall, the northern part of the Negev desert is a fascinating region with many historical, cultural, and natural attractions to explore.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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