Pinsteps. Picnic, Ben Shemen forest
Places to visit in in Israel Languages: ru, he, en

Ben Shemen Forest is one of the largest forests in Israel. It covers about 21,000 dunams of land east of the city of Lod and west of Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut. It is mainly planted with pines, cypresses, and eucalyptus trees. This is one of the most beloved by the Israelis forests in the center of the country, where the smoke of the barbecues does not cease - after all, a BBQ is the national sport in the country. The name Ben Shemen is associated with oil presses and with a verse from the book of the prophet Isaiah, which says: "The vineyard is dear to me in the lands of Ben Shemen."

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Forest Ben Shemen, Kfar Daniel and Tel Hadid

The Ben Shemen Forest eastern border begins near Kfar Daniel with its famous Jewelry Factory, expands through the Monkey Rehabilitation Center till the Tel Hadid and the breathtaking views of the coastal plain and Gush Dan. Two hours of beauty under your nose!

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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