Pinsteps. Meditative Terrace: A Space for Exploring Bahá'í Philosophy and Faith on Mount Carmel
Places to visit in in Haifa Languages: en

Certainly, the central, expansive terrace of the park provides an unparalleled setting for deep meditation and committed study of the Baháʼí faith and its philosophies. It is in this serene environment that you can delve into the extensive corpus of Baháʼu'lláh's writings, considered by Baháʼís to be divinely revealed. While some revelations were penned by Baháʼu'lláh himself, most were spoken aloud and recorded by an amanuensis, often at a pace that made it challenging to capture every word.

Baháʼu'lláh's body of work is formidable, amounting to over 100 volumes. These writings primarily take the form of short letters or tablets directed to individuals or groups. His more comprehensive works include the Hidden Words, the Seven Valleys, the Book of Certitude (Kitáb-i-Íqán), the Most Holy Book (Kitáb-i-Aqdas), and the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf. Originally penned in Persian and Arabic, his writings cover a broad spectrum of topics that are not only material but also social, moral, and spiritually pertinent to both individual lives and societal structures.

The topics he touches upon are indeed extensive, ranging from commentaries on scriptures, prophecies, and beliefs of previous religions to the introduction of new laws and spiritual ordinances tailored for this new age. He also penned mystical writings, claimed proofs and explanations about God, discussions on the nobility of human souls capable of knowing God, and the continual progress of souls in the afterlife across divine realms. His works also encompass principles of just governance, the establishment of world order, knowledge, philosophy, alchemy, medicine, and calls for universal education.

Bahá’u’lláh engaged in a unique form of correspondence, writing letters to the world leaders of his time, such as Queen Victoria, Czar Alexander II, Napoleon III, and Sultan ʻAbdu’l-ʻAzíz, among others. In these letters, he made profound claims about his divine mission and offered guidance on governance and spiritual matters. He urged these leaders to rule justly, renounce materialism, and work toward global unification. The letters also contained detailed ideas like the creation of an international auxiliary language and a global currency, all aimed at fostering worldwide unity.

The response from these leaders was largely dismissive during his lifetime. Queen Victoria reportedly responded equivocally, while Czar Alexander II promised further investigation. Napoleon III outright tore up his tablet, and Nasser al-Din Shah executed Bahá’u’lláh's messenger. However, history validated Bahá’u’lláh's prophecies in these letters, as many of the warned leaders faced downfalls, loss of territories, or other divine chastisements for failing to heed his advice.

Author Christopher de Bellaigue commented that Bahá’u’lláh had little success in persuading these temporal leaders to accept his revelations during his time. Yet, the failure to heed his guidance led to prophetic fulfillments that later gained significant attention and even resulted in conversions to the Bahá’í faith. So, while initially met with skepticism or outright rejection, the weight of Bahá’u’lláh's words would be borne out by subsequent events, adding another layer of complexity and prophetic relevance to his teachings.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
The Ultimate Guide to the Bahá'í Faith, Gardens, Terraces, and the Shrine of the Báb on Special Access Days

Prepare for an Enriching Adventure: An In-Depth Guide to the Bahá'í Faith, Gardens, Terraces, and the Shrine of the Báb during Exclusive Access Days

Get ready for an extraordinary journey where you'll discover not only the profound essence and history of the Bahá'í Faith but also delve into the enchanting world of the Bahá'í Gardens, Terraces, and the majestic Shrine of the Báb. What makes this experience truly unique are the exclusive access days when the pathways from the lower gardens to the middle terraces and the Shrine of the Báb are open for exploration.

As you embark on this captivating expedition, you'll be immersed in the teachings and principles of the Bahá'í Faith, gaining a deep understanding of its spiritual significance. Moreover, you'll have the privilege to wander through the meticulously designed Bahá'í Gardens, adorned with breathtaking landscapes and architectural wonders that harmoniously blend with the natural surroundings.

The Terraces, with their intricate design and symbolic elements, will unveil the profound concepts of unity, spirituality, and interconnectedness that lie at the heart of the Bahá'í Faith. Each step you take on these terraces will bring you closer to a deeper connection with nature, the divine, and humanity.

Lastly, the journey culminates at the awe-inspiring Shrine of the Báb, a sanctuary of tranquility and reverence. You'll explore the history and significance of this sacred site, where the remains of the Báb rest. It's a place where spirituality meets architectural brilliance, creating an atmosphere of profound reflection and serenity.

So, get ready to embark on this comprehensive and spiritually enriching voyage, where you'll not only learn about the Bahá'í Faith but also experience the beauty of its gardens, terraces, and the sanctity of the Shrine of the Báb during these exclusive access days.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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