Pinsteps. Well Beer Sheva
Places to visit in Беэр-Шева. Languages: ru, he, en

Wells on the paths of nomads created parking lots that turned into shopping and community centers. It was Beer Sheva that was such an ancient parking in the Negev. Abraham also dug here one of the wells, which, however, the satraps of the local king took away from him. He even had to pay an expensive ransom in support of his rights to this well. Another biblical story suggests that it was here, under the shadow of a tamarisk, that he met travelers and received from in his tent. These were angels in the form of men, and it was then that an alliance was made with the one God. The Byzantines used well water to irrigate wheat fields and actively developed agricultural farms in the Negev. The Turks called Be'er Sheva a city, laid the main streets and built a mosque, a government house, administration and an inn. There lies our way. Translated with Google Translate

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Be'er Sheva

Walking tour of the historical part of Be'er Sheva from the old railway station, the monument to the steam locomotive and Turkish troops from the First World War, through the city park and historical wells that gave the city its name, to the big mosque and art museum, Allenby park and the obelisk to the British general, and finally walks the English war cemetery with several interesting tombstones. Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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