Half price – every Sunday for arriving between 6 pm to midnight. You can stay until closing time – 03:00 in the morning.
half price - Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday* from 9 PM to midnight.
half price - every saturday from 20:00.
Half price - every Thursday and Friday from 2 am.
Students aged 25 to 29 (including) – 60 NIS. with showing valid student card and ID.
Visitors on fridays can come back on saturday for 5 NIS only. (ask the return voucher from the barman while you leave the sauna) *Not valid in holidays and special events.
Visitors on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday – receive half-price entry for the coming Friday or Saturday.
Multi-use subscription – 12 entrances for the price of 8
* bisexual wednesday night half price is from 11pm
From age 18 to 21 (including), and soldiers on compulsory duty: Thursday – free entrance.
Other weekdays and Friday/Saturday – 30 NIS.
soldiers on compulsory duty until 8 pm – 15 NIS.
From age 22 to 25 (including): Regular price 45 NIS.
From age 26 up: Regular price 85 NIS or 57 NIS with subscriber.
Additional towel – 2 NIS. Lubricant – 5 NIS.
Free condoms are located on the bar counter.
spa slippers can be rented at a price of 5 NIS.
Deposit of valubles is possible – free of charge.