Pinsteps. Grüner See, Emerald lake, Austria
Places to visit in in Bad Ischl Languages: en, he, ru

The mountains around the lake protect it from the winds. The lake is located in a basin and receives cold air coming down from the mountains in the complete absence of wind. Thus, there are hardly any waves on the lake, and it is practically devoid of intensive evaporation of water. This phenomenon allows you to easily see the water even from the smallest angle of view - almost when the light glides over the surface. Bright white limestone helps increase brightness underwater when the lake is flooded. Its color seems to be "shimmering emerald green." All this leads to extremely high visibility in the water - up to 50 meters, which attracts divers.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Grüner See Lake, Austria

Grüner See is rightfully considered one of the wonders of Austria. The lake is often called the Emerald Lake because of the special shade of its water. Hiking trails of different lengths and difficulties are arranged along the shores of the lake. Stunning views are along these trails. Diving on the lake is one of the most unusual tourist attractions in Austria.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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