Pinsteps. Saint George Convent and The First Miracle Church of Kafr Kanna
Places to visit in in Kafr Kanna Languages: en, he, ru

The village of Kfar Cana or Cana of Galilee, as they usually call a town in the Christian tradition, has a rich history. The most ancient settlement on the site of the village dates back to the times of the Egyptian pharaohs. Josephus fortified the town during the Jewish uprising against the Romans. After the second Jerusalem temple was destroyed, Jewish sages lived in the village, and there was a prosperous community. In the Middle Ages, Cana of Galilee developed the craft of dyeing carpets. The town is associated with the Christian tradition of the miracle of turning water into wine. In the nineteenth century, two churches were built in the village: one Orthodox and another Catholic.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Kafr Kanna of Feb 9, 2020

A walk through the village of Cana of Galilee will plunge you into the atmosphere of biblical traditions, wedding ceremonies, and Christian miracles. People lived in Cana back in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs; famous pilgrims of the middle ages used to visit here; the Evangelical tradition tells us at the wedding where St. Mary and Jesus were attending, a miracle happened. Two modest churches with a rich history are dedicated to the wonder of water turned into wine. Weddings are held here according to special rites, and everyone can be a witness to the phenomenon of a wedding jug.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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