Pinsteps. Gita Stream Via Ferrata Adventure
Places to visit in Янух-Джат. Languages: en, ru

The Via Ferrata trail goes above the northern cuff of the Gita Stream. It's a tributary of the Beit HaEmek Stream - a deceptive stream in Western Galilee. It is named after the settlement of Beit HaEmek, through which it passes. In Arabic, the stream is called Wadi Majnunah, named after the spring in its channel. The stream starts between Har Halutz and Kisra-Sumei, crosses the village of Mazraa, and flows into the Mediterranean Sea between Shavei Tzion and Nahariya. The stream's path is winding, passing through many Mediterranean groves.

The name originates from the ancient settlement of Beit HaEmek, which is mentioned as a landmark on the border of the tribe of Asher's inheritance.

The stream's tributaries include Nahal Hashak, Nahal Kishor, Nahal Gita, Nahal Yanuh, Nahal Ziton, and Nahal Yehiam.

The Beit HaEmek Stream Reserve is an extended area that includes about 2.5 km (1.6 miles) of the stream's course in a region where it passes between steep slopes rising 200 meters (656 feet) above the channel.

The stream's vegetation consists of olive groves, fruit trees, natural forests with common oak and Israeli terebinth, Mediterranean buckthorn, Syrian maple, carob, Mediterranean rosemary, Nazareth iris, and river vegetation such as sedge, reed, and tamarisk. Wildlife in the area includes rock hyraxes, common foxes, common buzzards, Egyptian vultures, typical nightjars, wild boars, jackals, and monitor lizards.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Via Ferrata near Yanuh-Jat and Gita Stream of Mar 25, 2023

Yanuh-Jat is a Druze village located on the northern slopes of the Gita Stream in the Western Galilee region. The town has a rich history, dating back to the early 18th century when Druze settlers founded it. The village has a unique culture and way of life, strongly emphasising family and community.

As we embarked on the Via Ferrata adventure along the northern shore of Gita Stream, we were immediately struck by the stunning views of the Beit HaKerem valley natural reserve. The reserve is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including olive groves, fruit trees, untouched forests with common oak and Israeli terebinth, Mediterranean buckthorn, Syrian maple, carob, Mediterranean rosemary, Nazareth iris, and river vegetation such as sedge, reed, and tamarisk.

As we climbed higher along the karst cliffs, we were treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The rugged terrain and winding stream below us gave us a sense of adventure and exhilaration. We crossed bridges and other obstacles, using the Via Ferrata's fixed cable and other safety features to help us navigate the steep terrain.

The zip line was an incredibly thrilling part of the adventure, allowing us to soar over the Gita Stream and take in the panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The combination of extreme sports and stunning natural beauty made for an unforgettable experience that left us feeling alive and invigorated.

Overall, the Via Ferrata adventure along the northern shore of Gita Stream was a perfect blend of physical challenge and natural beauty. We felt a deep connection to the land and the people who call it home and left with a newfound appreciation for the power of nature and the spirit of adventure.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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