Pinsteps. The Historic Hala Sultan Tekke Complex
Places to visit in Dromolaxia. Languages: en, ru

The Hala Sultan Tekke complex, built by the Ottoman Empire in Cyprus during the 18th and 19th centuries, has a rich history and significance. The construction began with the mausoleum over Umm Haram's burial site in 1760. In 1816, an octagonal mosque with a minaret and accompanying buildings was added, along with a beautiful garden featuring fountains. This site was so revered that, until World War I, Turkish warships passing by Larnaca would lower their flags and fire a cannon salute. Pilgrims from around the world visited to pay their respects to one of Islam's holiest sites.

The architectural complex includes not only the mosque and mausoleum but also residential buildings for both men and women, which served the former dervish monastery. In front of the mosque stands a fountain for the ritual washing of feet, as Muslim tradition requires this cleansing before entering the mosque for prayer. It is also customary for visitors to remove their shoes before entering the mosque.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
A Day's Guide: Discovering Larnaca and Lefkara of May 7, 2024

This guide will introduce us to Larnaca and Lefkara, a seaside city and mountain village revealing Cyprus's essence. Larnaca is an ancient city with a rich history of Greeks and Turks, where the Church of Saint Lazarus—one of the most important sanctuaries of the Orthodox world—coexists with the Mosque of Umm Haram, the fourth most significant mosque in the Muslim world.

We will stroll through the streets of Larnaca, admire the murals, and experience the charm of this Mediterranean city undergoing renewal.

Next, we will visit perhaps the most famous village in Cyprus—Lefkara, renowned for its unique embroidery and silver craftsmanship traditions, and the church that houses a relic of the True Cross on which Jesus was crucified. Beyond these significant historical sites and events, you will be captivated by the charm of Cyprus, its peaceful nooks, enduring traditions, and serene atmosphere.

Cyprus is embodied in its mountain villages, where its heart and soul reside.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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