Pinsteps. A memorial plaque commemorating Theodor Herzl
Places to visit in Vienna. Languages: ru, he, en

Memorial plaque dedicated to Theodor Herzl - a native of Vienna, the man who founded the Zionist movement (the return of Jews to Zion - Jerusalem) and the herald of the Jewish state. In Israel, in the city of Herzliya, on one of the hills above a busy highway, stands a huge silhouette of Herzl. It is based on a famous photograph, and beneath it is the inscription: "If you will it, it is no dream" - words he spoke here in Vienna almost 100 years ago. In the same years when in Paris there was a shameful trial of the Jewish officer Dreyfus, Herzl said: "If today they treat a Jewish officer like this, then after some time, they will start burning us here." Truly, a prophet of the 20th century. Ironically, opposite the memorial plaque, there is a stone block - a remnant of a Roman bath. A remnant of the empire that created Vienna, gave Christianity to the barbarians, destroyed Jerusalem, and took away the homeland from the Jews.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of routes including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Vienna. The Ringstrasse.

A leisurely stroll through the historic part of the city unfolds a tapestry of enchanting landmarks. The city park, adorned with the melodies of Strauss and Schubert, leads to the venerable city gates named after Luger and Mozart. The narrative of "Ah, My Sweet Augustine" echoes through time, while the oldest church in the city stands as a testament to bygone eras. The tales of Theodor Herzl, the anchor clocks, the Jewish quarter, the square where it all began, the longest narrow alley, the Estergazi restaurant, and Andersen's house weave together seamlessly.

Wander down Graben Street, passing by the plague column and fountains, where the stories of homes, people, words, legends, and traditions blend harmoniously. Amidst it all, relish the charm of restaurants, cafes, wines, and coziness that add an extra layer of warmth to this rich tapestry of history and culture.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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