Trinity Bridge is the only bridge across the Neglinnaya River, which has survived to the present day. It connects Kutafya Tower with the Trinity Tower - the main tower of the entrance to the Moscow Kremlin. Like the Towers, the bridge was built by the Italian architect Aloiso de Milano - nicknamed in Russia by Alois Fryazin or the Old (senior), because 10 years after this Italian architect to build the Kremlin, Aloiso Lamberti di Montegnano will arrive - they will call him Alois New. The bridge was stone already in 1516, and in 1598 Boris Godunov would be elected to rule it. Translated with Google Translate
The route consists of three different districts of Moscow that are completely different from each other. City is modernity, offices, high-rise glass skyscrapers and the atmosphere of a business center in the super modern Western style. Arbat - old and new - is a window into the hysterical and Soviet past of the city. Alexander Garden and Red Square are the heart of Moscow. The route can be divided into three separate parts, and you can visit them a full day. Translated with Google Translate