Pinsteps. Ayioi Anargiroi Church and the Lives of Saints Cosmas and Damian
Places to visit in Ayia Napa. Languages: en

Saints Cosmas and Damian, to whom Ayioi Anargiroi Church at Cape Greco is dedicated, are revered figures in Christian history. They were born in the 3rd century AD, in the region of Arabia (modern-day Syria). These twin brothers were brought up in a Christian family, which profoundly influenced their lives and values.

Cosmas and Damian studied medicine in Syria and became highly skilled physicians. They decided to use their medical knowledge to help others without accepting any payment, hence their title "Anargyroi" (Unmercenaries). Their selflessness and dedication to healing earned them great respect and admiration. They believed that their ability to heal was a gift from God and that they should share this gift freely with those in need.

The brothers traveled extensively, providing free medical care to the sick and the poor, treating both physical and spiritual ailments. Their reputation for miraculous healings spread far and wide, attracting many people seeking cures.

Despite their good deeds, Cosmas and Damian faced persecution during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, a time when Christians were often targeted. They were arrested and subjected to various tortures, but they miraculously survived these ordeals unharmed. Ultimately, they were beheaded around 303 AD, becoming martyrs for their faith.

The cave beneath Ayioi Anargiroi Church is believed to be a place where the saints lived and performed many of their healing miracles. This natural cave, situated in the cliffs of Cape Greco, is accessible to visitors. A staircase leads down into the cave, offering a serene and spiritual experience.

Inside the cave, visitors can see a small chapel and an iconostasis, along with icons and religious artifacts that pay homage to the saints. The atmosphere within the cave is quiet and reflective, providing a sense of connection to the history and miracles associated with Saints Cosmas and Damian. The cave and the church above it continue to be significant pilgrimage sites, drawing those seeking spiritual solace and healing.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Ayia Napa and Cape Greco of May 5, 2024

Before you lies the most romantic stroll along the Cypriot coast. You will find the most beautiful beach in Cyprus with white sand and crystal-clear turquoise water. Next, the Love Bridge awaits you, where you can take stunning photos. Then, marvel at the sea in the sea caves where, according to legend, pirates hid their treasures, and be impressed by the endless sea view from Cape Greco. Additionally, enjoy a walk through the park and the ornithological center, where, if you're lucky, you can see sea turtles at Raven's Arch and descend into the grotto under the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries. To top it off, dine at Isaac's Tavern on the Ayia Napa promenade and enjoy the sunset.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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