Pinsteps. Zhinvali reservoir

At this point in the Aragvi rivers flow from Mount Barbalo. Its height is over 3000 meters. It also provides the source of the Alazani River.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Georgia. Alazani Valley and Gudauri. May 25, 2019

From the picturesque Sighnaghi, our way passed through the Alazani Valley to Gudauri. Maybe we were led by the mythical griffin that brought grape seed to Georgia? We have enjoyed wine, vineyards, wine museum, tastings, more wine, and more wine! And even in Telavi, after the Mimino tree, we tasted wine and chacha again. Spectacular views of the Georgian military road and the Aragvi gorge accompanied us on the way to Gudauri. It was an incredible adventure!

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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