Pinsteps. Society for the Conservation of Nature and the Conservation of Historic Monuments, Haifa
Places to visit in Хайфа. Languages: ru, he, en

This building houses the northern branch of the Society for the Conservation of Nature. It would seem, what is the underground here? It is one of the oldest public organizations in Israel and in the world. She was born out of a public outcry against the 1953 project to drain the Hula Valley. Nobody attached importance to these protests, the valley was drained, which led to an environmental disaster. Subsequently, the valley was restored, and the society gained recognition. In 1986, on the basis of the Society for the Protection of Nature, a council for the preservation and restoration of historical sites was established. Ironically, the antiquities law in the country applied only to objects that were 1700 years old or more, and historical buildings from the time of the creation of the state were dreamed of one after another. By the way, the well-known Israel Trail (Shvil Israel) is also a project of the Nature Conservation Society. Translated with Google Translate

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Haifa - underground and renovation

A mixture of former English colonial grandeur, long desolation and modern revival. Jaffa Street, the old port area and the current update in a good mix of stories and adventures that can only happen in a port city, where Germans, British, illegal immigrants and underground fighters left their mark. It will not do without the mythological Israeli car Susit, daring attacks by underground fighters, tragic flooding of ships, pubs, bars and restaurants, from traditional Mediterranean cuisine to a classic English pub or French restaurant. Let's go for a walk. Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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