Pinsteps. Bahrain Synagogue

Like other minorities of Bahrain, the Jewish community was established in the kingdom due to the merchant ties in the 19th century. These were Jews from Iraq, and some from Iran and India. In 1947 after the UN Partition Plan of British Palestina on two independent states, one for Arabs, another on for Jews, many Arabs in many Arab countries protested the establishment of non Arab state in the Middle East. A lot of the members of the Jewish community of Bahrain were forced to leave the kingdom after Arab rioters looted many Jewish homes and demolished the only synagogue in the capital city of Manama. Although the hostility of some citizens resulted in Jews emigrating, another synagogue was built for those who remained. Today the tiny Jewish community in Bahrain counts approximately 35 members. They can barely arrange a minyan - a community of minimum of ten adult males required for prayer. The Jewish community offered the building for another use or wanted to give it to charity since the synagogue is no longer in use. Still, the government didn't allow to change the purpose of the building and is aiming to preserve it only as a synagogue. As a result, recently, the old synagogue started to serve the prayers. It serves Jews coming in Manana from abroad, and together with the local community, it comes possible to pray. Abraham David Nonoo, the Jewish community’s unofficial leader and a member of Bahrain’s parliamentary counsel, intended to renovate the synagogue out of his funds. At the same time, Bahrain's Crown Prince Sheikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa has offered to fund the construction of a new synagogue. Besides, the government also provided the Jewish community a plot of land to rebuild the synagogue, which was destroyed in 1948. Who knows, may it will be possible soon. Photo Simplified Pixabay License

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Bahrain for one day

What do you know about Bahrain? Did you know that the official symbol of the kingdom of Bahrain, the flag of Bahrain was approved on February 17, 2002? Did you know that the most ancient Epos of human civilization mentions the land of Dilmun - ancient Bahrain? Did you know that 97% of the European trade of pearls of Gulf was coming from Bahrain? Did you know that Bahrain was conquered by Portugals? Do you know how is the sea pure in Bahrain? Or how is the souq tasty and colorful in Manama? Or how did Hindians, Persians, Christians, and Jews arrive in Bahrain? Or how is majestic the House of Koran? You definitely will know it using this self-guided tour, but, let us start with the flag. The flag of Bahrain was red as a reminder of the colors of the Muslim Kharijites. In 1820, the white vertical stripe appeared on the flag, symbolizing a truce reached with Great Britain. In 1933, in order to be distinguishable from the similar flags of the region, a white stripe was limited by a zigzagged line. Since 2002, the five white triangles were depicted on a flag symbolizing the five pillars of Islam. Are you ready to explore Bahrain by one day? Let's go and do not forget to taste the delicious Chicken Machboos! Photo Simplified Pixabay License

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