The "biro" or ballpoint pen was invented by a Hungarian, Sir Biro László József, born in Budapest. Biro was born into a Jewish family. His father, Mozes Matthias Schweiger, in accordance with the policy of Magyarization, after the birth of his son, changed his surname to Biro. Deciding to become a successor to the dynasty of dentists, he entered the medical institute. Then he went to work at an oil company and became interested in car racing. He developed an automatic transmission and sold a patent for it to General Motors. Biro's former home under 24 Nagymező Street now houses the Thália Theatre.
Source: Photo: Készítette: Ato 01 - A feltöltő saját munkája, CC BY-SA 3.0,
A one-hour leisurely walk to the restaurant will set aside the main streets and sights of Budapest. She will discover hidden places that only locals know — the house where Max Nordau lived. In his office, Theodor Herzel first spoke about the Jewish state. The cozy courtyards of the Jewish quarter, which are full of pubs, bars, and restaurants. The proud and majestic Andrassy Avenue, which is called the Champs Elysees in Budapest. The famous opera house with its cunning acoustics. And finally, the house in which the Jewish boy lived, who came up with a ballpoint pen and an automatic transmission. All this during a one-hour walk in the fresh air, which will help you get rid of two hundred calories before a hearty dinner.