Pinsteps. Tzelefos Bridge in Cyprus over the Diorizos River
Places to visit in Кипр. Languages: en

Tzelefos Bridge was crucial to the region, connecting the western villages of Milikouri, Vretsia, and Agios Ioannis with the eastern towns of Agios Nikolaos, Kaminaria, and Treis Elies. One of its most notable features is its significant height above the river and narrow width, designed to prevent the swift-flowing waters of the Varvaros River from blocking or damaging the bridge with uprooted trees and branches. The roar of the river, especially when in full spate, could be heard in the surrounding villages, where locals would hang baskets to catch eels carried by the current.

Situated within a lush forest, Tzelefos Bridge is considered one of the most magical places in Cyprus. The nearby Arminou Dam, located at the river's end, adds to the area's abundant natural beauty.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of routes including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Kykkos monastery, medieval bridges and Lofou village of Apr 29, 2023

Your day begins with a serene visit to the historic Kykkos Monastery, where the ornate decorations and tranquil atmosphere offer a peek into Cyprus's rich ecclesiastical tradition. From there, you journey to the mountain tomb of Makarios III, a place marked by solemnity and historical significance, boasting panoramic views of the island. The next leg of your trip involves traversing the medieval Venetian bridges over the Diorios River, where the impressive architecture harkens back to an era of grandeur and rich cultural exchange. As the sun sets, you find yourself in the charming village of Lofou, walking down its cobblestone streets, surrounded by traditional stone houses that seem to whisper tales from the past. Here in Lofou, you end the day with a sense of fulfilment, as if you've truly experienced the very heart and soul of Cyprus.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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