The Dead Sea's formation is a tale of tectonic activity, where the Earth's crust is pulling apart along the Jordan Rift Valley. Over millions of years, this rift has deepened, creating the dramatic cliffs and steep descents that characterize the region. These towering cliffs are composed of a variety of sedimentary rocks, visibly layered with history, telling a story of ancient seas and the life that once flourished here. The descent from these cliffs to the Dead Sea is a stark reminder of the natural forces that continue to shape our planet, offering a path from the rocky heights to the mineral-rich waters below.
Your day hike along the Bokek Stream promises to be enriching and exciting. Starting from Tsuk Tamrur, a name that testifies to British oil exploration attempts in the 1930s, you will proceed towards Bokek Fortress near the Dead Sea. Along the way, you'll encounter stunning landscapes and learn many stories, including the region's geological past. This journey offers insights into human activities and natural phenomena, such as the Syrian-African Rift, which led to the formation of the Dead Sea Valley.
As the sun sets behind the mountains in the evening, you'll descend into the Dead Sea Valley. This part of the route is awe-inspiring due to its dramatic elevation drop of about four hundred meters. The view from the observation deck is breathtaking, especially during twilight. This unique blend of history, geology, and incredible natural beauty makes the hike along the Bokek Stream an unforgettable experience.