The house at Arbat 53 belonged to a noble Khitrovo family. The house burnt down during the fire of 1812 was rebuilt in 1815. From December 1830 to May 1931, he rented an apartment in it. Pushkin. He came here with his wife immediately after the wedding in Petersburg on February 18, 1931. For a year from 1884 to 1885, the brother of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Anatoly rented an apartment in this house. A great composer visited him. After the revolution, the house housed the district amateur theater whose artistic board included Mayakovsky and Meyerhold. During the Stalinist repressions, the military tribunal of the Moscow military district was located here. After the war, communal apartments appeared in the house. Now here is the museum of the apartment of A.S. Pushkin. Translated with Google Translate
The route consists of three different districts of Moscow that are completely different from each other. City is modernity, offices, high-rise glass skyscrapers and the atmosphere of a business center in the super modern Western style. Arbat - old and new - is a window into the hysterical and Soviet past of the city. Alexander Garden and Red Square are the heart of Moscow. The route can be divided into three separate parts, and you can visit them a full day. Translated with Google Translate