Pinsteps. Former British Criminal Investigation Building, Haifa
Places to visit in Хайфа. Languages: ru, he, en

We went out to Atzmaut Street to the former building of the British Criminal Investigation Department. Remember the beginning of the tour? After the murder of the head of the Haifa Criminal Investigation Department, the British increased their security, surrounded the building with rows of barbed wire and conducted a series of searches and arrests. The Etzel underground leaders also stepped up their activities. In the summer of 1947, the British executed two underground leaders by hanging in a prison in Acre. In response, Etzel's fighters kidnapped and hanged two British officers in a grove in Netanya. In the summer of the same year, the British arrested and sent to the shores of Europe the ship Exodus with four and a half thousand Jewish refugees who had escaped from Nazi camps. At the same time, the ship with Jewish refugees Af Al Pi Khen was arrested and everyone who was interned on board in concentration camps in Cyprus. Etzel's fighters were preparing a major action and chose the Haifa Criminal Investigation Building as their target, as a symbol of the arbitrariness and cynicism of British rule, located opposite Palmer Street - the main entrance to the port - the gate of freedom and justice for hundreds of thousands of Holocaust survivors. In order to overcome the guards, a cunning bomb was developed. The oil barrel was filled with a ton of explosives. Tractor wheels with a gear mechanism were installed on both ends of the barrel, which allowed the wheels to turn only in one direction. The barrel was placed on a "slide" in the back of a truck with a release cable in the driver's cab. By five thirty in the morning on September 26, 1947, under the mode of transport carrying a washing machine with accompanying papers to the port, the truck arrived from Bnei Brak to the building of the Haifa Criminal Investigation Department. The security guard had just managed to tell the truck driver: "Your barrel has fallen," when a deafening explosion thundered. This was the largest act of retaliation against the British command in Haifa, which claimed the lives of eleven people. A month later, a UN resolution decreed the withdrawal of British troops from Palestine and the creation of two states. From that moment, Etzel, Lehi and Agana launched attacks on weapons depots and other military facilities in order to prepare for the war of independence. More actions aimed at fighting the British authorities were not undertaken. Translated with Google Translate

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Haifa - underground and renovation

A mixture of former English colonial grandeur, long desolation and modern revival. Jaffa Street, the old port area and the current update in a good mix of stories and adventures that can only happen in a port city, where Germans, British, illegal immigrants and underground fighters left their mark. It will not do without the mythological Israeli car Susit, daring attacks by underground fighters, tragic flooding of ships, pubs, bars and restaurants, from traditional Mediterranean cuisine to a classic English pub or French restaurant. Let's go for a walk. Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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