Pinsteps. Amélie

Amelie is a perfect place for a small pastry. After the beautiful stroll towards its end, rest on the shady terrace near the walls of the old town of Kaftol. It is a place where a romantic decoration mixes with the wonderful taste. Translated with Google Translate

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Zagreb First acquaintance

Zagreb is a wonderful city that blends the serenity of Eastern Europe with the beauty of the West. Impressive squares with small alleyways, magnificent buildings opposite picturesque peasant houses, landscapes occupying a view of ancient churches - Zagreb. We will tour the city between its main centers, climb the upper city, glitter in the divorce museum, go down through the famous stone gate to the old farmers' neighborhood, we can go to the popular cuisine, visit the cathedral of the city and finish the tour in the main square named after Joseph Jelacic. Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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