Pinsteps. The Faculty of Automation and Computers at UTCN, Cluj-Napoca's Hub for Technological Innovation
Places to visit in Cluj-Napoca. Languages: en

The Faculty of Automation and Computers (Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare) is a standout department within the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN). Located in Romania's Transylvanian region, this faculty has garnered acclaim for its high academic standards and groundbreaking research in automation, computer science, and intersecting disciplines. Over the years, the faculty has achieved numerous awards and recognitions for its research and development initiatives, ranging from machine learning algorithms to smart automation systems. Collaborations with industry giants and participation in international conferences have further solidified its reputation as a leader in the field.

Offering a range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs, the Faculty of Automation and Computers equips students with the skills they need in an ever-evolving technological landscape. If you're looking to be at the forefront of technology and computer science in Romania, this faculty offers a robust foundation and abundant opportunities for research and career development.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Strolling Through Cluj-Napoca: A Half-Day Adventure of Sep 22, 2023

Imagine a half-day walk through Cluj, the Transylvanian capital, where history meets modernity. You could start your journey at the house of a famous Hungarian king, absorbing the stories embedded in the aged bricks and mortar. Continue to the city's oldest church, a sanctuary of architectural and spiritual grace. Next, ascend the most picturesque tower for a panoramic view of Cluj, offering a bird's-eye glimpse of the cityscape below.

As you stroll, consider the diverse architecture—Secessionist or Art Nouveau—that defines the city's visual personality. Feel the pulse of local life at the central collective farm market, where you can revel in the aroma and flavours of fresh produce and traditional foods. Follow the charming canals and streams that lace through the city, finally relaxing in the shade of the urban park, a haven amid bustling life.

To cap off your journey, indulge in a meal at a local restaurant, like Maimuța Plângătoare, renowned for its soups and local brews. The atmosphere inside and in its cosy courtyard will make you feel like you've discovered Cluj's heart.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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