Pinsteps. Reviving the Yarkon: Ecological Restoration and Invasive Species Management
Places to visit in Petah Tikva. Languages: en, ru

The restoration and management of the pond in Yarkon National Park, particularly near Tel Afek, highlight significant ecological efforts. One of the main challenges was dealing with an invasive species, the Australian Paperbark Tree (Melaleuca), which was originally introduced to stabilize sands and improve the landscape but later spread rapidly, outcompeting local flora. Recognized as an invasive species, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority has been making continuous efforts to control its spread and replace it with native vegetation.

Efforts have also been made to reintroduce the Blue Water Lily (Nymphaea caerulea) to the Yarkon, particularly to the Einat Stream. This perennial aquatic plant, with its striking blue-white flowers floating on the water surface, had disappeared from the Israeli wild by 1976. Seeds of the plant were collected and, through significant effort, it has been successfully reintroduced.

Additionally, the Authority undertook substantial works to transform a drainage canal into a living stream. This involved extensive earthworks to modify the straight, deep canal into a meandering stream with terraced banks and flow impediments. These changes have helped create a more natural stream structure. Local, sometimes rare, plant species were planted along the banks, replacing invasive species and restoring the area's native biodiversity.

This concerted effort by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority demonstrates a commitment to restoring and preserving the natural habitats within Yarkon National Park, ensuring a thriving ecosystem and a return to the Yarkon's historical landscape.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Israel National Trail Segment: Petah Tikva to Tel Afek Antipatris Park – A Scenic Hiking Experience of Jan 20, 2024

Hiking along the Yarkon River in central Israel, from Petah Tikva to the old railway station in Rosh HaAyin, offers a picturesque and historically rich experience. This trail winds through scenic fields and orange groves, unveiling unique moments of both history and nature. Key attractions along the route include old mills, the concrete house, Kfar Baptistim, and two national parks: the Yarkon River Sources and Tel Afek Antipatris. Along the trail, there are two rest areas for hikers to relax and enjoy the region's inspiring natural beauty and captivating stories.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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