Pinsteps. Dam Hamakabim: The Maccabees' Blood and Its Symbolic Legacy
Places to visit in ישראל. Languages: en, ru

The plant with red button-like flowers is called "Dam Hamakabim" in Hebrew, or "Maccabees' Blood" in translation. According to legend, wherever the Maccabees' blood was spilled, this flower grows. It is also a symbol of the War of Independence, linking the Maccabees with the fighters for the country's independence in 1948. When it finishes blooming, the official summer begins.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Caesar Trail and Tel Azekah of May 22, 2024

This short walk through the Ela Valley and the slopes of the central highlands will reveal the history of the place, from biblical prophets to Roman emperors. Important trade routes from the valley to Jerusalem have always passed through here, and this was the border of Judea. We will encounter intriguing sites like the battlefield of David and Goliath, the possible tomb of Goliath, and many other stories of this fascinating area.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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