An intelligent question may arise on the way to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Christian quarter. Jesus was crucified outside the walls of Jerusalem. Calvary - the place of the crucifixion is located within the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is located inside the city walls. So, it is easy to conclude that Golgotha was situated inside the walls. That statement is not valid. The fact that in time of Jesus the space north of the David Street was outside the city walls can explain the way rapidly growing Jerusalem included into its territory the place of the crucifixion that initially was situated outside the city walls.
The tour begins in the car park near the Zion gate. This parking lot is the most convenient for wheelchairs and most close to the old city. The route runs along the flat part of the city completely avoiding steps and steep climbs or descents. The path to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher passes through the Jewish and Christian quarters, the ancient Cardo street and the markets of the Christian part of the city.