Pinsteps. Zenon of Kition: A Stoic Legacy in the Heart of Larnaca's Europe Square
Places to visit in Ларнака. Languages: en

Zenon of Kition was an ancient Greek philosopher born around 334 BC in Kition (modern-day Larnaca, Cyprus). He is best known for founding the Stoic school of philosophy, which emphasized logic, ethics, and natural law. Zenon moved to Athens around 300 BC, where he studied under various philosophers before establishing his school, which met at the Stoa Poikile, a colonnade in Athens, hence the name "Stoicism".

Views on Jews: Zenon's views on Jews, as interpreted through various historical sources, were complex. While there are no direct quotes from Zenon himself regarding Jews, some later Stoic philosophers, influenced by Zenon’s teachings, have been noted for their interactions with Jewish thought. For example, some Stoic ideas were later integrated into Jewish Hellenistic thought, particularly by Philo of Alexandria. However, there are no specific antisemitic statements attributed to Zenon directly.

References to Kition in Jewish Sources

In Jewish sources, Kition (Citium) is mentioned in the context of the Jewish diaspora. Jewish communities existed in Cyprus, including in Kition, during various periods of antiquity. These communities were part of the Hellenistic world and interacted with Greek culture and philosophy.

Connections Between Kition and Jerusalem

Kition, like other Hellenistic cities, had interactions with the wider Jewish world. During the Hellenistic period, Jews in the diaspora maintained religious and cultural connections with Jerusalem. The existence of Jewish communities in places like Kition facilitated the exchange of ideas and maintained ties with the Jewish homeland.

Criticism of Zenon by Jews

Jewish criticism of Zenon and Stoicism primarily arises from differing philosophical and religious viewpoints. Stoicism, emphasising reason and nature, often contrasted with Jewish thought's more faith-based and divine command-oriented aspects. Additionally, some Jewish sources might critique the Stoic idea of apatheia (freedom from passion) as it contrasts with the Jewish emphasis on emotional expression in religious life.


Zenon of Kition is a significant figure in the history of philosophy, particularly through his foundation of Stoicism. His legacy includes the development of philosophical thought and the complex interactions between Hellenistic and Jewish cultures. While there are no direct quotes from Zenon on Jews, the philosophical dialogues of the time show the rich, sometimes contentious, exchange of ideas between different cultural and religious groups.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Larnaca of May 6, 2024

An evening stroll along Larnaca's seafront promenade is a splendid experience. Starting and ending at Europe Square, this walk encompasses the city's rich history, offering stunning views and atmospheric spots. The promenade features historical landmarks, picturesque scenery, and the island's most famous tavern, housed in an old mansion. This walk is perfect for immersing yourself in Cyprus's patriotic spirit and identity, appreciating Larnaca's role as the gateway to the Levant, and connecting with Cyprus's unique and resilient soul, known as the Cypriot spirit.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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