The first church was built in Cana in the sixth century. In the crypt of the church, you can see fragments of the mosaic floor, which belongs to the synagogue of the fourth century. The church is called the wedding church. This name refers to an event that is described in the gospel. A wedding was held in the village, the Virgin Mary and Jesus took part in it. They were among guests from neighboring Nazareth. During the celebration of the wedding, stocks of wine ran out, and Jesus did his first miracle. He turned water into wine. On the facade of the church, you can see two chapels. They symbolize the bride and groom. The sculpture of the Virgin Mary located between them symbolizes the intercessor and the supplicant, for it was she who asked Jesus to do a miracle.
A walk through the village of Cana of Galilee will plunge you into the atmosphere of biblical traditions, wedding ceremonies, and Christian miracles. People lived in Cana back in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs; famous pilgrims of the middle ages used to visit here; the Evangelical tradition tells us at the wedding where St. Mary and Jesus were attending, a miracle happened. Two modest churches with a rich history are dedicated to the wonder of water turned into wine. Weddings are held here according to special rites, and everyone can be a witness to the phenomenon of a wedding jug.