Pinsteps. Specialized Caving Gear: The Science of Fabrics and Essential Equipment
Places to visit in Romania. Languages: en

Speleologists wear specialized suits designed for high abrasion resistance, thermal insulation, and moisture protection. Fabrics like Oxford, Cordura, and Avisent each have their advantages. Oxford is lightweight but durable, providing basic water resistance. Cordura excels in high tear resistance, ideal for the rough underground terrain. Avisent is a high-tech fabric offering enhanced water and dirt resistance while being breathable.

In our case, the issued suits had different fabrics on the elbows, knees, hips, and shoulders to provide optimal abrasion resistance and contact with slippery surfaces, as well as water protection and body temperature maintenance. In addition to the suits, rubber boots are essential for navigating wet conditions. Helmets are mandatory for head protection against falling rocks or low ceilings, and flashlights are crucial for visibility in the pitch-black environment.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Gruet Cave in Roșia of Sep 20, 2023

In the Bihor region, specifically in the community of Rosia, lies a captivating natural wonder: Gruet Cave, also known as Gruiețului or Grust Cave. A river flows through the cave, a fascinating byproduct of the melting glacier above the Apuseni Mountains. The cave opens with an impressive 15-meter-wide and 8-meter-high portal leading to a 50-meter-long main gallery, a sanctuary of limestone formations. What makes it even more remarkable is the presence of deep fissures filled with water that can be deceptively transparent and deep, requiring extreme caution.

The environment inside is not as cold as one might expect due to rainwater mixing with the glacier runoff, making it more hospitable for its primary inhabitants: bats. These creatures can be found throughout the cave, not just near the entrance. Visitors should also take note of the water levels during rainy weather, as they can rise dramatically, a detail indicated by a black stripe on the cave wall.

After your journey, washing off your gear in running water and enjoying a good swig of whiskey are essential. The cave stands as a vivid reminder of the rich geological and biological diversity the region has to offer, adding an enthralling chapter to any adventure.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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