Pinsteps. The Concrete House and Bezalel Jaffe's Zionist Odyssey
Places to visit in Petah Tikva. Languages: en, ru

In 1912, against a backdrop of intrigue and mystery, "The Concrete House" emerged in Petah Tikva, a symbol of architectural innovation in the heart of Israel. This structure, the first of its kind in the region, was born from the vision of Bezalel Jaffe, a man whose life was as enigmatic as the house he built.

Bezalel, brother of Leib Jaffe, was not just a builder; he was a key figure in the Zionist movement in his native Grodno. His involvement with groups like Benei Moshe and his establishment of a modernized ḥeder showcased his commitment to education and a new vision for the future.

However, his journey extended far beyond Grodno. As a delegate to early Zionist Congresses, Bezalel played a vital role in organizing the Zionist movement in Lithuania and in publishing Zionist literature in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Russian.

In 1909, his path led him to the land of Israel, where he assumed the directorship of the Geulah company for land purchase, following Meir Dizengoff's resignation. Under Bezalel's guidance from 1910 to 1925, the Geulah company not only extended the boundaries of Tel Aviv but transformed it into a bustling city.

"The Concrete House" itself held secrets within its walls, housing modern centrifugal pumps powered by diesel engines, a technological marvel of its time. Yet, the structure became entangled in a web of intrigue and hidden documents, raising questions about its true purpose.

Bezalel's legacy extended to introducing modern irrigation to Petaḥ Tikvah in 1912, utilizing the waters of the Yarkon river. He stood among the few who defended the yishuv during its challenging times under Turkish authority during World War I.

After 1918, Bezalel continued to shape the destiny of the region. He played a vital role in organizing the yishuv's Provisional Committee and served as the president of the Jaffa-Tel Aviv Jewish community.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Israel National Trail Segment: Petah Tikva to Tel Afek Antipatris Park – A Scenic Hiking Experience of Jan 20, 2024

Hiking along the Yarkon River in central Israel, from Petah Tikva to the old railway station in Rosh HaAyin, offers a picturesque and historically rich experience. This trail winds through scenic fields and orange groves, unveiling unique moments of both history and nature. Key attractions along the route include old mills, the concrete house, Kfar Baptistim, and two national parks: the Yarkon River Sources and Tel Afek Antipatris. Along the trail, there are two rest areas for hikers to relax and enjoy the region's inspiring natural beauty and captivating stories.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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