Pinsteps. Vavatsinia's Heritage: Apostaktiras and Alembic in Local Tradition
Places to visit in Vavatsinia. Languages: en

We've reached the very spot where the village keeps its traditional distillation apparatus for producing zivania. This little shed has two words inscribed on it, one in Greek and the other in Latin, both of which hold our interest. The term "apostaktiras" (or "apostakter") historically and ecclesiastically relates to an official in the Byzantine Empire responsible for overseeing and accounting for church property, including lands and gifts. This position involved managing the finances and properties of a monastery or church and ensuring the proper use and preservation of church holdings, integral to Byzantium's broader administrative system that maintained order and effective management of church resources.

An alembic is a device used for distilling liquids, with a long history. This distillation apparatus consists of two main parts: a boiler to heat the liquid and a cap or head, often shaped like a dome or sphere, that collects vapors. Once condensed, these vapors revert to liquid form, collected in a separate container. Traditionally made of copper, alembics are widely used in producing essential oils, perfumes, and alcoholic beverages like whiskey and brandy. The device was invented by Arabic alchemists, and the word "alembic" comes from the Arabic "al-inbiq," meaning "the cup," reflecting the shape of the condensate receiver.

Thus, these concepts fascinatingly converge around the ancient distillation apparatus, a source of pride for the residents of Vavatsinia who even lend it to neighboring villages.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Vavatsinia and Phicardou of May 8, 2024

Villages in Cyprus represent a unique cultural and historical layer that reveals the true soul of the island and its people. On this brief journey, you can visit the villages of Vavatsinia and Fikardou, immersing yourself in a plethora of stunning views, stories, tastes, smells, and sounds from the eastern region of the Troodos mountain range.

Vavatsinia, named after the mulberry trees, is one of the cleanest ecological zones in Cyprus. As soon as you step out of your car or bus, the air itself tells you of its purity. Strolling through the village and enjoying the views, you can then head through the pass into the enchanting Machairas Forest. From several lookout points, you'll be treated to breathtaking views, including the picturesque Machairas Monastery nestled in the Troodos Mountains' scenic gorges.

Finally, the village of Fikardou, considered the best European heritage village in Cyprus, stands out with its entirely stone-built and superbly preserved architecture. It features a single tavern run by the village’s only permanent resident. Here, you can end your journey by savoring halloumi cheese, fresh salad, and chilled homemade white wine, truly experiencing the authentic flavors of Cyprus.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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