Pinsteps. Toy Shop Nutcracker Nuremberg
Places to visit in Nuremberg. Languages: en, he, ru

There are so many "Nutcrackers" in Nuremberg that one might get the impression that this fabulous hero of the Nutcracker Tale was born here. The tale was born in Berlin. Hoffmann Ernst Theodore Amadeus, a storyteller, composer, and artist created it. He respected Mozart's work so much, that he changed his name Wilhelm to Amadeus. A nutcracker doll was born in the town of Seifen, where miners who mined tin carved the nutcrackers from wood and strengthened it with tin. These nutcrackers looked like soldiers and were "top-rated" children's toys. So, why is there so much nutcracker in Nuremberg? Because the plot of the tale is Christmas, and Nuremberg is the most festive city in Germany during Christmas time and the biggest Christmas market in Europe is held here.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Nuremberg on foot in one day. Nov 30, 2019

This walking one day tour of old Nuremberg is perfect. The walk begins at Frauentorturm directly opposite the exit of the underpass of the central railway station and runs along Königstrasse with its main churches and original shops. The footpath enters the church of St. Lorenz with its medieval architecture and the works of Adam Kraft - a contemporary of Albrecht Dürer. The path continues to the famous Nassau House through Hans Sachs Square to Holy Spirit Hospital and makes a beautiful loop through Schütt Island, the Pegnitz River, and Church of Katarina leads to the central square of Hauptmarkt and the bells of the Frauenkirche church and leads to Beautiful Fountain, where wishes are usually made. Then the walk passes near Rathausplatz and leads to the St. Sebald - Sebalduskirche gives an excellent lunch at Goldenes Posthorn Restaurant. After lunch, the path leads to the City Museum in Fembo house, Pellerhof, Museum Tucherschloss und Hirsvogelsaal, Imperial courtyard of Kaiserburg. It allows you to enjoy city views from Imperial castle Nürnberg. Further, the footpath will lead to the house of Albrecht Dürer, the home of Pilate, the gates of the Tiergärtnertorturm, and the courtyards of the breweries. We will meet The Toy Museum in Nuremberg, admire the executioner’s bridge, learn the story of the bagpipe, walk through the shopping quarter and end the day at the fountain carousel of family relationships and realize that everything is relative in this world.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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