Pinsteps. Shri Krishna Temple, Bahrain

Bahrain always was a junction of sailing trade routes in the Arab gulf. Its ancient ties with India let the maritime trade route with Mumbai become the alternative to the coastal one. The trade route also opens cultural influences, migration of people, and development of ethnic and religious communities away from the maternal land. The ancient and iconic Shreenathji (Shree Krishna) Hindu Temple was established in Manama with the blessings of the royal family, in 1817 by the Thattai (Bhatia) Hindu Community. It is the first and oldest Hindu acting Temple in the Gulf countries. Photo Simplified Pixabay License

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Bahrain for one day

What do you know about Bahrain? Did you know that the official symbol of the kingdom of Bahrain, the flag of Bahrain was approved on February 17, 2002? Did you know that the most ancient Epos of human civilization mentions the land of Dilmun - ancient Bahrain? Did you know that 97% of the European trade of pearls of Gulf was coming from Bahrain? Did you know that Bahrain was conquered by Portugals? Do you know how is the sea pure in Bahrain? Or how is the souq tasty and colorful in Manama? Or how did Hindians, Persians, Christians, and Jews arrive in Bahrain? Or how is majestic the House of Koran? You definitely will know it using this self-guided tour, but, let us start with the flag. The flag of Bahrain was red as a reminder of the colors of the Muslim Kharijites. In 1820, the white vertical stripe appeared on the flag, symbolizing a truce reached with Great Britain. In 1933, in order to be distinguishable from the similar flags of the region, a white stripe was limited by a zigzagged line. Since 2002, the five white triangles were depicted on a flag symbolizing the five pillars of Islam. Are you ready to explore Bahrain by one day? Let's go and do not forget to taste the delicious Chicken Machboos! Photo Simplified Pixabay License

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