Pinsteps. Transformation of Ramat HaHayal: From post-war development to Telaviv's Silicon Valley
Places to visit in תל אביב-יפו. Languages: ru, en

Following World War II, the landscape underwent notable transformations as the area embarked on a development trajectory, ultimately emerging as one of Tel Aviv's prominent commercial and technological hubs. The evolution of Ramat HaHayal in the late 20th and early 21st centuries positioned it as a veritable "Silicon Valley" on the outskirts of the metropolis, hosting the headquarters of leading global and Israeli technology firms. This revitalized enclave is a beacon of innovation and advancement, seamlessly blending modern architectural designs and cutting-edge technology with verdant landscapes and meticulously crafted spaces for leisure and work.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Yarkon from Ten Mills to Assuta Ramat HaHayal. March 02, 2024

A walk in the central part of Hayarkon Park from the historic Bridge of Ten Mills to the modern Assuta Hospital in Ramat HaHayal is a journey from the past to the present. The Ten Mills Bridge is an important historical point reflecting the cultural heritage of the region. The parallel route 482 connects the ancient with the modern, presenting a metropolis above the Yarkon River. This part of the park is distinguished by its magnificent landscape design, making it one of the most beautiful and updated. Assuta Ramat HaChayal and Maccabi highlight the site's status as a center for leading medical services in Israel. Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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