Pinsteps. From Ak Deniz to Zenon of Kition Street
Places to visit in Ларнака. Languages: en, ru

Zenon of Kition Street in Larnaca, currently named after the famous philosopher Zeno of Citium, was previously known as "Οδός Ακ Ντενίζ" (Ak Deniz Street) during the Ottoman period. The name "Ak Deniz" translates to "White Sea" in Turkish, reflecting the historical influence of the Ottoman Empire on Cyprus from 1571 to 1878.

Larnaca, known as Kition in ancient times, has a deep historical legacy dating back to its establishment by Mycenaean Greeks around the 13th century BC. The city later became a prominent center for Phoenicians and played a vital role in the Mediterranean trade networks due to its strategic location.

The renaming of Ak Deniz Street to Zenon of Kition Street was part of a broader effort to celebrate local historical figures and cultural heritage following Cyprus's independence in 1960. This change also underscores the city's rich historical tapestry and its evolution through various periods, including Greek, Phoenician, Byzantine, and Ottoman influences.

The area surrounding Zenon of Kition Street reflects this blend of historical periods, contributing to Larnaca's unique character and appeal as a modern city with deep historical roots.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
A Day's Guide: Discovering Larnaca and Lefkara of May 7, 2024

This guide will introduce us to Larnaca and Lefkara, a seaside city and mountain village revealing Cyprus's essence. Larnaca is an ancient city with a rich history of Greeks and Turks, where the Church of Saint Lazarus—one of the most important sanctuaries of the Orthodox world—coexists with the Mosque of Umm Haram, the fourth most significant mosque in the Muslim world.

We will stroll through the streets of Larnaca, admire the murals, and experience the charm of this Mediterranean city undergoing renewal.

Next, we will visit perhaps the most famous village in Cyprus—Lefkara, renowned for its unique embroidery and silver craftsmanship traditions, and the church that houses a relic of the True Cross on which Jesus was crucified. Beyond these significant historical sites and events, you will be captivated by the charm of Cyprus, its peaceful nooks, enduring traditions, and serene atmosphere.

Cyprus is embodied in its mountain villages, where its heart and soul reside.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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