Pinsteps. Jerusalem beach
Places to visit in תל אביב-יפו. Languages: en, he, ru

Stunning wide beach in the center of Tel Aviv. Here you can swim, sunbathe, play volleyball or engage in another sport. There is also a gym on the beach. The beach is suitable for families with children, there is a playground. This beach is one of the most beautiful beaches. However, it should be noted that since the beach is located near hotels, the beach is filled with people, especially in the summer season. If you are interested in history, then in 1939, ships arrived to this coast with illegal Jewish refugees from Europe. Why "Neo"? Because the British authorities did not consider that Hitler’s Nazi regime threatened the Jews and did not issue entry visas to Eretz Israel. One of these ships with refugees was obstrilyan British authorities. Illegal immigrant prisoners were relocated to a camp for illegal immigrants. However, soon, with the help of the Jewish underground in Palestine, an escape was organized, and the Bielec issued forged documents. These were the lucky ones who managed to find salvation. Most of European Jewry perished in the Holocaust.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Tel Aviv beaches guide from a local resident

From the very north to the south beach you can walk only an hour by unhurried pace. But how many stories and discoveries are fraught with this genuinely magical seashore. Before you go carefully read the entire guide. After all, you need not only to know what is where but also to choose your different beach.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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