Pinsteps. Walking Anafiotika, Athens
Places to visit in in Athens Languages: en

Walking through the narrow streets of Anafiotika, it may seem like you will inevitably reach a dead end. But do not stop there. These narrow stairways will lead you to a path to the Acropolis. Everyone climbs up there, and everyone comes back down. Explore and enjoy the views.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Athens: walking through history. My trip to Athens on Feb 11, 2023

A walking trip through the streets of Athens can be a fantastic way to dive into the rich history of this ancient city. Here is a trial that explores some of the most exciting sites in Athens:

  1. Start at Athina Avenue and head towards Monastiraki Street. This lively street is lined with shops and street vendors selling various goods, including souvenirs, clothing, and jewellery.

  2. Take a stroll down the lane and enjoy the sights and sounds of the bustling marketplace. From Monastiraki Street, continue to the Plaka neighbourhood, one of the oldest and most charming neighbourhoods in Athens. The Plaka is known for its narrow, winding streets, picturesque houses, and traditional Greek tavernas. Visit the old house of the Venizelos family, a historic building once the home of the famous Greek politician Eleftherios Venizelos.

  3. From the Plaka, head up to the Anafiotika district, a charming neighbourhood built on the slopes of the Acropolis. Here you can visit some of the most delicious restaurants in Athens, offering traditional Greek cuisine and breathtaking views of the city.

  4. After exploring the Anafiotika district, make your way to the southern slope of the Acropolis, where you can see the ruins of the Odeon of Herodes Atticus and the Theatre of Dionysus.

  5. End your walking trip by visiting the Areopagus and Pnyx Hills, two historic sites located just outside the city centre. The Areopagus Hill was once a seat of the judicial court in ancient Athens and is also associated with the spread of Christianity into Greece. Pnyx Hill was the location of the assembly of the people, where citizens gathered to discuss and vote on important political matters. From these two hills, you will see breathtaking views of the city in the sunset and gain a deeper understanding of its rich history and cultural heritage.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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