Pinsteps. Ermou Street's Jewelry Tradition
Places to visit in Ларнака. Languages: en, ru

Ermou Street in Larnaca is particularly notable for preserving the tradition of jewelry shops. This historic street, named after Hermes, the Greek god of commerce, has long been a hub for jewelers and artisans. Walking down Ermou Street, one can find a variety of jewelry shops that continue to uphold the centuries-old tradition of Cypriot jewelry making, offering both traditional and modern designs to locals and visitors alike.

Historical Background

Larnaca has a rich tradition in jewelry making, with its roots deeply embedded in the city's historical and cultural fabric. The craftsmanship of Larnaca's jewelers reflects a blend of ancient techniques and modern design, attracting both locals and tourists alike. The tradition of jewelry making in Larnaca dates back centuries, with significant influences from the island’s periods under Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, and British rule. Each era contributed to the evolution of jewelry designs and techniques, creating a diverse heritage of craftsmanship.

Key Jewelers and Their Contributions

  1. Kalopedis Jewellery: - Established in 1888, Kalopedis Jewellery is one of the oldest and most renowned jewelers in Cyprus. The Kalopedis family has been producing fine jewelry and silver icons for generations, combining traditional methods with modern designs. Their collections include both decorative and ecclesiastical pieces, reflecting the deep cultural and religious significance of their work in Cypriot society.

  2. Joakim Jewellery: - Founded in 1969, Joakim Jewellery is known for its high-quality craftsmanship in gold and silver jewelry. Located in the heart of Larnaca, just minutes from the beach, this family-run business offers a variety of well-crafted jewelry pieces, including bracelets, necklaces, and branded watches.

  3. Local Craftsmanship: - In addition to these established names, Larnaca is home to numerous smaller workshops and family businesses that continue to practice traditional jewelry making. These artisans often use fine silver wire to create intricate filigree designs, a craft known as "trifouri," which results in beautiful handmade jewelry and decorative items.

Cultural and Economic Impact

The jewelry industry in Larnaca not only preserves traditional Cypriot craftsmanship but also contributes significantly to the local economy. The city’s jewelers attract tourists and collectors from around the world, who come to admire and purchase unique, handcrafted pieces.

Modern Developments

In recent years, Larnaca has seen a resurgence in the appreciation for traditional jewelry. Modern jewelers are blending ancient techniques with contemporary designs to create pieces that appeal to both traditional and modern tastes. This fusion ensures that the rich heritage of Cypriot jewelry making continues to thrive in the modern market.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
A Day's Guide: Discovering Larnaca and Lefkara of May 7, 2024

This guide will introduce us to Larnaca and Lefkara, a seaside city and mountain village revealing Cyprus's essence. Larnaca is an ancient city with a rich history of Greeks and Turks, where the Church of Saint Lazarus—one of the most important sanctuaries of the Orthodox world—coexists with the Mosque of Umm Haram, the fourth most significant mosque in the Muslim world.

We will stroll through the streets of Larnaca, admire the murals, and experience the charm of this Mediterranean city undergoing renewal.

Next, we will visit perhaps the most famous village in Cyprus—Lefkara, renowned for its unique embroidery and silver craftsmanship traditions, and the church that houses a relic of the True Cross on which Jesus was crucified. Beyond these significant historical sites and events, you will be captivated by the charm of Cyprus, its peaceful nooks, enduring traditions, and serene atmosphere.

Cyprus is embodied in its mountain villages, where its heart and soul reside.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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