Pinsteps. City park

Now, at the entrance to the city park, it's time to remember one scandalous story of Rishon LeZion – the story of the riot. The tension between the Biluim and Samuel Hirsch grew higher. Among the opponents of the Rothschild government was Josef Feinberg - the one to whom Rothschild wrote a check for 25,000 francs - and Israel Belkind - the one who created the Biluim organization. In order to mitigate the situation, Joshua Osovitsky replaced Samuel Hirsch on his post. Joshua escaped pogroms in Kiev, brought up orphans in fords and in general, was one of "insiders". In 1884 he was welcomed by the settlers with enthusiasm, and three years later in 1887, there was a riot. Even though Osovitsky managed to create a layer of financially independent settlers in the settlement, to develop social services and to improve the economy, he surrounded himself with informers and lickspittles, introduced a system of fines and cruel rule. The situation got out of control when Osovitsky learned that there was a complaint that had been sent against him. He caused a real pogrom in the house of a perpetrator, Mikhail Galperin, the founder of the first trade Union of workers in Rishon LeZion and the founder of the workers ' party in Turkish Palestine. Galperin's supporters gathered near the house of government and demanded Osovitsky to leave Rishon, but he, in turn, demanded to send Galperin on his way. Osovitsky called Turkish soldiers to his side and only Samuel Hirsch, who arrived from Mikveh Israel, prevented bloodshed. The soldiers went away, the rebels were urged to leave and, Hirsch along with Osovitsky retired in Mikveh Israel. The rebels celebrated their victory.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Rishon leZion. This is where it all began. This is not just an expression – this is history.

This is a special tour and a unique route. Its difference from the usual city tour is that your mobile phone is the guide. As in every excursion, it takes time to get used to the tour guide, his style, rhythm and pathways. The only difference is that in this case, you are the storyteller, you are walking yourself and set the pace for yourself - all according to your style. Just give yourself time to get used to it and you will come to life with a story full of the vicissitudes of the lives of real people, a story about their joys and sorrows, a story in which urban legends rise from the past, instill hope and simply sums up: here it all began.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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