Pinsteps. The house of Shimon the tanner, Jaffa
Places to visit in תל אביב-יפו. Languages: ru, he, en

Here at the foot of the lighthouse, was an ancient house where Shimon the tanner lived according to Christian tradition. Here apostle Peter stood overnight, starting his long journey from the Holy Land to Rome. Cornelius, the Roman commander, captured Peter in Caesarea. But Cornelius converted to Christianity and his family too. Another important event in the history of Christianity happened to Peter in Jaffa. A girl named Tabitha resurrected. It happened on Peter's way from Jerusalem to Jaffa on the outskirts of the city. Lying on the roof of Simon's house, Peter saw a vision of shrouds falling from the sky with reptiles on them. Peter cried and said: Please, my Lord! Is that really what you want to feed me? And heard the answer: "What was purified by God, you will not see as scum. It was three times, and the shroud ascended to heaven again." (Acts 10,15) These events and their sequence matter. Peter is the heir of Christ. Just as Jesus, when he arrives in Jerusalem from the east, revives Lazarus, so Peter resurrects Tabata when he comes in Jaffa. As Jesus reaches the Jews in Jerusalem, Peter gets the Romans in Rome through Jaffa and Caesarea. Peter was crucified in Rome, like Jesus in Jerusalem. And if Jesus goes to the Jews, then his disciples go to the pagans - to spread Christianity. In this context, the vision of reptiles takes on special significance. Jesus came to the Jews, the chosen people. Peter goes to the Gentiles. The words: "What God has cleansed will not be seen as unclean" purify the spread of Christianity among the pagans.

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Old jaffa

Let us walk from the sizeable southern parking through the port, the streets of the upper city, the house of Ilana Gur, the workshop of Meisler, the soaring orange, Abrashi Park, the square of all the signs of the Zodiac, the Cathedral of St. Peter, to the port and back to the parking,

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