English Field Marshal Allenby Park was created by the British immediately after the capture of Beer Sheva. Allenby became famous for having replaced the commander-in-chief of the British troops in Egypt, transferred the army headquarters to the front line in Rafiyah (Rafah) and attacked impregnable Turkish Gaza with the help of a roundabout maneuver, capturing Beer Sheva first. This lightning strike allowed the British already in December of that year to triumphantly enter Jerusalem. Translated with Google Translate
This is a weekend trip for the whole family. Negev - the desert in southern Israel is especially beautiful after the first rains. In Be'er Sheva, the story is about the old city of Turkish and English Be'er Sheva, the last steam train, a Jewish soldier and a damned mosque. After Beer Sheva, the path passes through the hills of the Goral in a jeep, however, in the area of Lahavim, you can reach the place of flowering of Sternbergia on asphalt roads. Translated with Google Translate