Pinsteps. The European Adventure: Larnaca's Timeless Connection to the Levant
Places to visit in Ларнака. Languages: en

The Larnaca seafront stretches gracefully towards the marina, where the tranquil waves invite contemplation. Here, one can grasp the significance of Cyprus as a gateway to the Levant. This remarkable island has, over centuries, revealed the complex and often harsh nature of European travellers on their journey to the Levant, where curiosity and promised profits have drawn many adventurers. Today, this allure manifests in the real estate market, attracting retired Europeans like bees to honey. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the Skala district, the Turkish quarter of Larnaca, which we will explore further in our walk.

An exemplary tale of this European-Levantine blend is that of an ordinary Italian who visited the Levant two centuries ago: Giovanni Mariti.

In 1760, Mariti's adventure began with his landing in Cyprus, after which he ventured to Acre in Palestine. He spent two years there as a procurator and commercial agent for the English company Wasson. His return to Cyprus saw him settle in Larnaca, where he joined the entourage of Timothy Turner, the English consul and vice-consul of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Thanks to his favourable relationship with Turner, Mariti soon took up the post of chancellor of the consulate, replacing Antonio Mondaini from Livorno.

Mariti's experiences in Larnaca, surrounded by the influences of different cultures and political landscapes, provided him with rich material for his later works. His writings reflect not just the adventures of a single traveller but the broader historical tapestry of European interactions with the Levant, showcasing this region's complexities and enduring allure.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
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Evgeny Praisman
Larnaca of May 6, 2024

An evening stroll along Larnaca's seafront promenade is a splendid experience. Starting and ending at Europe Square, this walk encompasses the city's rich history, offering stunning views and atmospheric spots. The promenade features historical landmarks, picturesque scenery, and the island's most famous tavern, housed in an old mansion. This walk is perfect for immersing yourself in Cyprus's patriotic spirit and identity, appreciating Larnaca's role as the gateway to the Levant, and connecting with Cyprus's unique and resilient soul, known as the Cypriot spirit.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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